Talauenpark Waiblingen
Transformation of the Rems Valley and Rems – from the source of the river to its mouth
In 2019 the first intercommunal garden show took place in Baden-Württemberg, and 16 municipalities used the event to develop in a sustainable and contemporary way more than 80 km of the Rems Valley from the source of the Rems river to the point where it flows into the Neckar river. The parts of Waiblingen most affected by the garden show were the open space areas close to the city centre in the Talaue floodplain along the banks of the Rems. The redesign of the Talaue was not only carried out for the six-months of the garden show, but was instead the result of a fundamental review of existing park structures with regard to their usage in the coming decades. There were a number of temporary interventions, but the new design was not a result of a general planning concept. Existing potentials were strengthened and the pedestrian circulation system within the parks and access to local recreational facilities were improved.
Photos: RMP Stephan Lenzen Landschaftsarchitekten, Photographer: Roman Mensing
所谓的Kunstlichtoung现在是塔劳河漫滩开放空间的新心脏。这片大片的草地以果树为框架,在主题和形式上与城市的Galerie Stihl艺术画廊相对应。种植了一小块林地,创造了约1400平方米的空地,代表了画廊足迹的负面印记,现在是公共艺术和小型活动的场所。这片小树林被刻意设计成一个人造的物体,其位置使得它与周围的道路系统有些分离。一条60厘米宽的地面混凝土带标志着从小树林到空地的过渡,进一步强调了该项目的设计词汇。所用的240棵树成排种植,树枝修剪到3米高,方便出入。选择了“Belders”白柳和“Liempde”(白柳)白柳,因为它们是典型的洪泛平原树木,能够很好地应对那里的环境条件。他们戴着窄冠的习惯也突出了他们想要的形象,而且他们的冠提供的明暗色调让他们坐着和放松都很舒适。为了防止更多的噪音密集型活动在洪泛区举行,故意在洪泛区中断供电和供水。
The so-called Kunstlichtung is now the new heart of the open space in the Talaue floodplain. The large meadow is framed by fruit trees and corresponds thematically and formally with the city’s Galerie Stihl art gallery. A small wooded area was planted to create a clearing of approx. 1400 square metres that represents the negative imprint of the gallery’s footprint, and which now serves as a place for public art and small events. The grove was deliberately designed to be experienced as an artificial object and is located so that it would be somewhat separate from the surrounding path system. A 60cm-wide, on-grade concrete band marks the transition from the grove to the clearing, further emphasising the project’s design vocabulary. The 240 trees used were planted in rows and the branches were pruned up to a height of three metres to allow for easy access. Salix alba ‘Belders’ and Salix alba ‘Liempde’ (white willow) were selected, as they are typical flood plain trees and can cope well with the environmental conditions that occur there. Their narrow-crowned habit also accentuates the desired image, and the light shade their crowns provide is comfortable to sit and relax in. A supply of electricity and water was deliberately omitted in the floodplain in order to prevent more noise-intensive events from being held there.
Talauenpark Waiblingen
Remstal GARDEN SHOW 2019
CLIENT: The Town of Waiblingen
TIME FRAME: 2015 – 06/2019
CONSTRUCTION COSTS: approx. 4 million euros
SIZE: Central area: 2 hectares, Talauenpark total: 30 hectares
PROJECT: Service Phases 1–9
Photography: Roman Mensingwww.romanmensing.de