Parc de la Distance
Architect: Precht
Location: Vienna, Austria | View Map
Project Year: 2020
Category: Parks/Gardens
During the pandemic many public parks and gardens closed with the worry that the rules of physical distancing are not practiced. In Vienna, all famous parks, like Schönbrunn or Belvedere closed their gates and residents had to use streets and alleys to stretch their legs. But how would a park look that introduces the rules of physical distancing as a design-guideline?
虽然我们的“Park de la Distance”鼓励物理距离,但设计是由人的触觉塑造的:指纹。平行车道就像指纹一样,引导游客穿过起伏的景观。每一条车道的入口和出口都有一个入口,用来指示道路是否有人或自由漫步。车道之间相距240厘米,并有90厘米宽的树篱作为一个分区。沿着他们的道路,人们走在浅红色的花岗岩砾石上。虽然大部分时间人们在视觉上是分开的,但他们可能会听到附近小路上的脚步声。每趟单程约600米长。种植园的高度随着旅程的变化而变化,给整个公园的树篱提供了不同的高度。有时游客完全沉浸在大自然中,有时他们从树篱上爬出来,可以看到花园的另一面。但在任何时候,他们都保持着安全的身体距离。
Although our ‘Park de la Distance’ encourages physical distance, the design is shaped by the human touch: a fingerprint. Like a fingerprint, parallel lanes guide visitors through the undulating landscape. Every lane has a gateway on the entrance and exit, which indicates if the path is occupied or free to stroll. The lanes are distanced 240cm from each other and have a 90cm wide hedge as a division. Along their path, people walk on reddish granite gravel. Although people are visually separated most of the time, they might hear footsteps on the pebbles from the neighbouring paths. Each individual journey is about 600m long. The height of the planters varies along this journey and give different levels to the hedges throughout the park. Sometimes visitors are fully immersed by nature, other times they emerge over the hedge and can see across the garden. But at all times, they keep a safe physical distance to each other.
The Park after the pandemic:
Similar than the wavy patterns of a Japanese zen-garden, the paths slowly spiral towards a center, where fountains are placed. These symbolise a source of life and inner balance. From the center, visitors continue to circulate outwards. The individual journey takes around 20 minutes and offers something very unique for bustling urban areas: A brief time of solitude. A temporary seclusion from the public. A moment to think, to meditate or just to walk alone through nature.