Jesuit Church Square

景观设计 / 公共空间 2020-10-13 15:09

Jesuit Church Square

Architect: Kern Architekten
Location: Maximilianstraße 62, 87719 Mindelheim, Germany | View Map
Project Year: 2016
Category: Townscapes

Jesuit Church Square

Jesuit Church Square

Jesuit Church Square

Jesuit Church Square

Jesuit Church Square

Jesuit Church Square

Jesuit Church Square

Jesuit Church Square

Jesuit Church Square

沿着Mindelheim Maximilianstraße的运河路线的新框架-重新设计了圣母玛利亚通告巴洛克式耶稣会教堂前的广场,创造了具有特殊住宿品质的新会议场所。
A new framework for the course of the canal along Maximilianstraße in Mindelheim - with the redesign of the square in front of the late baroque Jesuit Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary new meeting places with special qualities of stay have been created.

Jesuit Church Square