Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

景观设计 / 公共空间 2020-10-12 05:28

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Architect: Mecanoo
Location: Jan van Galenstraat 4d7, 1051 KM Amsterdam, Netherlands | View Map
Project Year: 2023
Category: Masterplans

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

阿姆斯特丹的食品中心地形在Jan van Galenstraat和Haarlemmerweg之间有点隐蔽。几十年来,商店和餐馆都从这里购买蔬菜、水果和其他食品。今天,这个地方是一个杂乱无章的高栅栏,棚屋屋顶和一个封闭的大门;它正在进行大规模的改造。
The Food Center terrain in Amsterdam is somewhat hidden between Jan van Galenstraat and Haarlemmerweg. For decades, shops and restaurants have bought their vegetables, fruit and other food supplies from here. Today, the site is a jumbled ensemble of high fences, shed roofs and a closed gate; it is undergoing a large-scale transformation.

食物中心是一个由两条运河环绕的长码头,通过开发一系列在70年代被填海和填海的港池,将得到更新和更有效的组织。作为此次重组的一部分,食品中心的占地面积将减半,大部分将移至码头北端。这一变化将腾出码头南端Jan van Galenstraat沿线的空间,为一个生机勃勃的绿色住宅区腾出空间:Marktkwartier。
The Food Center terrain, a long quay bounded by two canals, will be renewed and more efficiently organized by developing the series of harbour basins that were filled in and reclaimed during the seventies. As part of this reorganization, the footprint of the Food Center will be halved and a large part of it moved to the northern end of the quay. This change will free up space on the southern end of the quay along Jan van Galenstraat, making room for a lively new green residential neighbourhood: the Marktkwartier.

The Marktkwartier will be a neighbourhood for all Amsterdammers; families, singles, students and seniors will be accommodated in a varied residential programme of around 1700 units. The monumental Market Hall, located between the Marktkwartier and the renewed Food Center terrain, will form the heart of the new residential district.

The historic building will be restored to its former glory and will be made accessible to everyone. The hall will be the new attraction in Amsterdam West and will include a hotel, a Food Lab for food-related knowledge sharing and restaurants.

The starting point for the urban design is a series of well-connected public spaces, each with its own identity. The Marktweide (market meadow) is the centrally located green heart and allows for different types of use for the neighbourhood and for the city. It is bordered on two sides by six-storey residential blocks with accents of twelve-storey volumes.

The blocks feature a series of distinct facades, inspired by the existing buildings along Jan van Galenstraat, framing a view of the Market Hall. This central open space gives clear visibility to both the Market hall and the nearby Koelhuis. Between the Marktweide and the main entrance to the Market Hall is the second open space: the Market Square, which offers space for events and for the outdoor market.

On either side of the Marktweide are two green residential courtyards with free-standing residential buildings or ‘palazzinos’, shielded from the surrounding city by six-storey blocks. The semi-public courtyards have an open connection to the two canals.

Large gates and passageways connect these courtyards with the central Marktweide. Continuous sight lines over the water and new pedestrian and cycling bridges connect the Marktkwartier with the Landlust and Staatsliedenkwartier residential areas across the canals.

Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam