EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

景观设计 / 公共空间 2020-9-28 00:30

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

Designer: HagenHinderdael
Location: Halkin Arcade, Motcomb Street, London, UK | View Map
Project Year: 2020
Category: Urban Green Spaces



EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow

伊甸园由HagenHinderdael与Grosvenor British&Ireland and Article Statements合作设计,通过互动体验来庆祝自然城市绿地的重要性。在哈尔金拱廊的Motcomb街外,我们邀请游客进入一个秘密花园,在我们工业化的城市环境中,它是一种与自然的联系,是一种治愈力量。伊甸园强调福祉、社区和可持续发展,使人们意识到我们需要恢复与自然的关系,作为我们的支持系统。了解一个健康的生态系统对我们社会的重要性,将有助于我们应对目前日益严重的环境破坏。伊登以一个完全可持续的设计来证实这一点,通过正在分发的装置的所有部分完成其生命周期,并重新确定用途,以确保生态友好的来世。
Designed by HagenHinderdael in partnership with Grosvenor Britain & Ireland and Artistic Statements, Eden celebrates the importance of natural urban green spaces through an interactive experience. Tucked away off of Motcomb Street in Halkin Arcade, we invite visitors into a secret garden providing a connection to nature as a healing force within our industrialised urban context. With an emphasis on wellbeing, community, and sustainability Eden brings awareness to the fact that we need to restore our relationship with nature as our support system. Understanding the importance of a healthy ecosystem on our society will consequently help us to deal with the increasing environmental damage we are currently experiencing. EDEN affirms this with a fully sustainable design, completing its lifecycle through all parts of the installation being distributed and re-purposed ensuring an eco-friendly afterlife.

Constructed of upcycled timber planters and resting atop a circular patch of grass, visitors will enter a 3-dimensional spiral housing an eco-system of greenery that immerses them into an urban oasis. Transforming from grasses into shrubbery, the culmination of the user journey is a central planter where visitors can plant their own seeds and take some away to create a wildflower meadow at home. With integrated solar lighting and bench seating, we invite you to rest in the proximity of nature – celebrating the importance of London’s green spaces as the Lungs of the City.

Healthy natural environments are our support system, reducing the rates of physical and emotional illnesses and strengthening our body’s defence. Human preferences toward things in nature, while refined through experience and culture, are largely the product of biological evolution. A vigorous and diverse natural environment has a direct impact on our very own health, but in order to be regenerated by nature we need to reconnect and make an effort to nourish it in return.

By creating a natural micro-ecosystem, EDEN emphasises the most low-tech, sustainable and possibly the most effective thing we can do to contribute to a healthy environment and life: Plant Seeds.

EDEN - Breathe What You Sow