Zou-no-hana Terrace 10th Aniversary Futurescape Project
Location: Japan, 神奈川県横浜市中区海岸通1−1 | View Map
Project Year: 2019
Category: Parks/Gardens
Art Galleries
使用涂料(光致变色涂料、反光涂料和发光涂料),由于化学反应而根据环境和时间改变其外观,我们展示了随时间推移而变化的Zo no hana的未来。根据亮度的变化,岸上出现了各种各样的景色。不断变化的景观涉及游客,并引发各种活动,这些活动将在未来的街道家具和艺术品中上演。
Using the paint (photochromic paint, retroreflective paint, and luminous paint), which changes its appearance depending on the environment and time of day due to the chemical reaction, we demonstrate the future of Zo-no-hana that changes with the passage of time. Various scenes emerge on the shore according to changes in brightness. The changing landscape involves visitors and triggers a variety of events, which will play out in the future with street furniture and artworks.