Reconstruction of Fortress

景观设计 / 公共空间 2020-9-27 17:21

Reconstruction of Fortress

Location: Komárno, Slovakia | View Map
Project Year: 2018
Category: Heritages

Reconstruction of Fortress

Reconstruction of Fortress

Reconstruction of Fortress

Reconstruction of Fortress

Reconstruction of Fortress

Reconstruction of Fortress

Reconstruction of Fortress

Reconstruction of Fortress

Reconstruction of Fortress

Reconstruction of Fortress

斯洛伐克的国家文化纪念碑是一座文艺复兴时期的反土耳其堡垒,由中世纪城堡的重建和扩建而成,时至今日,它仍然是欧洲军事工程的象征。Béla Jakab,荷兰。贝塔萨德卡
The national cultural monument of Slovakia, a Renaissance anti-Turkish fortress created by rebuilding and extension of a medieval castle, is still a symbol of European military engineering even today.

Architects: Ing. Béla Jakab, Ing. Beáta Sádecká

Reconstruction of Fortress