Aichermagazin展馆/Schnell&联合建筑师+Sunder Plassmann工作室
Aichermagazin Pavilion / Schnell&co architektur + Atelier Sunder-Plassmann
独特的临时展馆设计:Aichermagazin展馆是一个由木头制成且涂成黑色的临时立方体结构,建在细长柱子上,四周有凉棚环绕。地板和天花板为开放式网格,让天气穿过,无入口、门和开放时间,始终对所有人开放。它最初在 Isny im Allgäu 展示关于设计师 Otl Aicher 的展览,后在新地点重建并调整设计,与新环境相得益彰,成为探索与发现之地。
© Mikael Blomfelt
© Mikael Blomfelt
Text description provided by the architects. The aichermagazin is a temporary pavilion made from wood and painted black - a simple cubic structure elevated on slender pillars. Enclosed by a pergola from all sides, it is host to a small exhibition space. The floor and ceiling are constructed as an open grid, allowing the weather to pass through. There is no entrance, no door, no opening hours. It is always open, for everyone - for a certain period of time.
© Mikael Blomfelt
《aichermagazin》最初于2022年春天在Isny im Allgäu构思并安装,展示了一个关于设计师Otl Aicher和他在20世纪70年代为Isny创造的企业形象的展览:一幅城镇、风景和文化的肖像,以136个图标的系列表示,并以黑白插图显示。展览“isnyaicher22”在公共空间和露天展出,在接下来的两年里的夏季吸引了大量观众。2023年底,伊斯尼的建筑终于被拆除,材料被储存起来。2024年,在旺根巴登符腾堡州,有机会给aichermagazin第二次生命。该建筑在重新自然化的阿尔根河沿岸的草地上重建,背景是郁郁葱葱的堤岸,周围环绕着两棵大树。
Originally conceived and installed in the spring of 2022 in Isny im Allgäu, the aichermagazin showed an exhibition about the designer Otl Aicher and the corporate identity he created for Isny in the 1970s: a portrait of the town, the landscape and culture, represented in a series of 136 icons and illustrated in black and white. Shown in public space and in the open air, the exhibition „isnyaicher22" attracted a large audience over the summer month of the following two years. At the end of 2023, the building in Isny was finally dismantled and the material stored. In 2024, on the occasion of the Landesgartenschau Baden-Württemberg in Wangen, the opportunity arose to give a second life to the aichermagazin. The building was rebuilt on the meadows along the renaturalised river Argen, against the backdrop of the lushly overgrown embankment and surrounded by two large trees.
© Mikael Blomfelt
Adjustments and additions were made to the design to accommodate the new location: a platform, a garden and an elongated footbridge complement the cube in a playful manner, anchoring the aichermagazin to the new surroundings. As a topographical landscape, free of didactic sequences and directions, things reveal themselves by exploring: one walks, sits, looks and listens. Following the switch of location, the exhibition itself has also been reworked and restructured. The icons have been rearranged and linked to contemporary stories and told by local experts. Local historians, biologists, gardeners, farmers and climate researchers reported on current developments, ecological, experimental and proven projects implemented in the Allgäu region. The exhibition is accessible via audio contributions, statements and text.
© Mikael Blomfelt