CELLA Ephemeral Architecture / Os Espacialistas
独特的设计理念:CELLA 短期建筑展现出了极具创新性的设计理念。将几何学视为人类与自然的情感纽带,以身体、空间和软木为核心构建出具有解剖、建筑和雕塑特性的空间。其梦幻般的立方体元素,可被播种、收割、抛掷和移动,充满了动态与活力。这种设计打破了传统建筑的固定模式,为人们带来了全新的空间体验。
Cortesia de Os Espacialistas
Cortesia de Os Espacialistas
Text description provided by the architects. For Os Espacialistas, geometry is the relationship of affection that humans establish with nature. Cella is a kind of space with anatomical, architectural, and sculptural qualities. At its core, it is a body (cell), a space (cell), and a material (cork). A division with walls, touch, and ground. A place for the body to stroll, speak, and play; to exercise the latent artistic reproductive system within us and transform imagination into a relational organ of poetic investigation. It is dreamily inhabited by a swarm of cubes, sown to be harves- ted, tossed, built, and moved from place to place.
Cortesia de Os Espacialistas
The only thought that counts is the one that walks. The cube is born from the foot. Alwa- ys lying down, it is the dreamiest of all geometric shapes. To divide, remember, choose, associate, mix, build, err, and forget freely are some of the active verbs in this mi- nimal unit of imagining, happening, experimenting, and playing at various scales, in a continuous relationship between time, the body, and the surrounding space.
Cortesia de Os Espacialistas
Cortesia de Os Espacialistas
To smile, release images, and let the corporosity of the space intertwine and sculpt tho- se who visit is the secret of this playground and medi(t)ation space in de/construction. To play is to repeat the future with wonder and joy. Now, the inside is on the outside. Once Again.
Cortesia de Os Espacialistas