Vert Installation /Diez办公室+OMC°C

室内设计 / 艺术设计 2024-11-18 17:42

Vert Installation / Diez Office + OMC°C

创新的可持续设计:Vert 安装是一个极具创新性的项目。它由三方合作设计,是应对城市气温上升和生物多样性减少问题的实验性提案。采用可持续材料建造,木结构结合攀援植物,既能为城市降温,又能创造阴凉区和丰富生物多样性。其三角形设计和模块化结构适应各种城市环境,便于扩展和重新配置。材料的选择和建筑技术的运用,为可持续城市发展提供了蓝图。

对未来城市发展的启示:该项目不仅是一个城市制冷解决方案和视觉丰富的街道家具,还为使用替代木材提供了理由,鼓励世界森林的多样性和复原力。预计能使周围空域降温,产生大量生物量,与伦敦的气候目标一致。Vert 是设计师希望被复制的原创作品,为气候危机时代的可持续城市发展提供了宝贵的启示。

© Petr Krejci

© Petr Krejci

建筑师提供的文字描述随着气温上升和热浪加剧,再加上世界各地城市的生物多样性减少,迫切需要重新思考城市发展。Vert是由美国硬木出口委员会(AHEC)、Stefan Diez的工业设计工作室Diez Office和城市绿化专家OMCºC三方合作设计的,是一个可以解决这两个问题的模块化结构的实验性提案。该项目在伦敦设计节期间在切尔西艺术学院揭幕,提出了一种木结构,有助于为城市降温,同时可以轻松融入现有的基础设施。覆盖着攀援植物的高帆可以固定空气中的二氧化碳,同时创造出凉爽的阴凉区——人们可以休息的遮蔽空间。Vert采用可持续材料建造,将美学吸引力与有形的环境效益相结合,代表了一种变革性的城市发展方式。
Text description provided by the architects. With temperatures rising and heatwaves set to intensify, coupled with dwindling biodiversity in cities across the world, there is an urgent need for a rethink in urban development. Devised in a three-way collaboration between the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC), Stefan Diez's industrial design studio Diez Office, and urban greening specialists OMCºC, Vert is an experimental proposition for a modular structure that can address both issues. Unveiled at Chelsea School of Art during the London Design Festival, the project proposes a timber structure that helps to cool the city while integrating easily into its existing infrastructure. Tall sails covered in climbing plants work to fix carbon dioxide in the air while creating areas of cooling shade – sheltered spaces for people to pause. Built from sustainable materials, Vert combines aesthetic appeal with tangible environmental benefits and represents a transformative approach to urban development.

© Petr Krejci


© Petr Krejci

As well as offering a potential urban-cooling solution and acting as visually enriching street furniture, Vert makes a compelling case for the use of alternative wood materials to the limited library of species typically used in design and construction, encouraging greater diversity and resilience in the world's forests. Constructed from an engineered hardwood, red oak glulam, the structure consists of a series of timber triangles holding suspended biodegradable nets. These provide a framework for climbing plants, rooted in textile planters at the base of each net. The sails are greened with around 20 different plant species, creating a living ecosystem that enriches local biodiversity, serves as a habitat for essential insect populations, aesthetically enriches the urban landscape, and provides a sheltered space where visitors can gather and relax. Because red oak is denser and more stable than the standard construction timbers, less material is required, minimizing the visual prominence and footprint of the structure while maintaining high structural performance. The use of red oak also allows for more precise and long-lasting joints that enable the structure to be disassembled, moved, repaired, and/or reassembled many more times than standard construction materials, supporting the longevity of the piece.

© Petr Krejci

© Petr Krejci

Despite red oak being sustainable and constituting a sizable 18% of North American hardwood forests, it is underutilized in Europe. Increased use of red oak would reduce the stress on more widely used species and provide designers and customers with an enriched palette of timber materials to choose from. The triangular design of the structure not only allows for a robust construction that minimizes material use but also adapts to various urban environments. This modular approach facilitates its expansion or reconfiguration without compromising structural integrity. Additionally, the construction techniques employed, such as the use of glued laminated timber (glulam) and American red oak, provide high structural performance while promoting sustainability. This choice of materials, combined with OMCºC's technical solutions for irrigation and planting, reinforces the system's capacity to be replicated in other cities, thus efficiently addressing the challenges of urban heating and biodiversity loss.

© Petr Krejci

预计Vert将使周围空域的温度降低8摄氏度,比一棵20岁的树多投四倍的阴影,并产生与一棵80岁的酸橙树一样多的生物量——所有这些都是通过在一个夏天种植的攀援植物来实现的。该项目与伦敦雄心勃勃的气候目标相一致,包括市长关于到2050年将树木覆盖率提高10%的指示。Vert为气候危机时代的可持续城市发展提供了蓝图,将创新设计与环境管理相结合,创造宜居、有弹性和生物多样性的城市空间。对于AHEC、Diez Office和OMCºC来说,Vert是最稀有的东西:设计师希望其他人复制的原创作品。
Vert is projected to cool the surrounding airspace by as much as 8ºC, cast four times more shade than a 20-year-old tree, and produce as much biomass as an 80-year-old lime tree – all through the use of climbing plants grown throughout a single summer. This project aligns with London's ambitious climate goals, including the Mayor's directives to increase tree cover by 10% by 2050. Vert presents a blueprint for sustainable urban development in the age of climate crisis, blending innovative design with environmental stewardship to create liveable, resilient, and biodiverse urban spaces. For AHEC, Diez Office, and OMCºC, Vert is the rarest of things: an original creation that the designers want others to copy.

© Petr Krejci

Vert Installation /Diez办公室+OMC°C