Yokosawa Campus Restaurant / NoMaDoS
创新与融合:这个项目将旧住宅成功改造成共享办公空间的一部分——咖啡馆。受到当地历史启发,实施“现代 Idobata”概念,从外墙延伸到内墙的雪松镶板给人积极开放的印象。阶梯式吧台的高度变化创造了与周围环境的差异,为不同世代的人提供互动机会。整体设计既保留了原有建筑特色,又融入现代元素,为当地居民打造了一个新的聚会场所。
独特魅力与价值:横泽校区餐厅的设计展现出独特的魅力和价值。利用现有的窗户和平面图进行改造,巧妙地将自然元素与建筑融合。雪松镶板和阶梯式吧台成为空间的亮点,不仅在视觉上吸引人,还促进了人们之间的交流。希望这个出现在街角的现代 Idobata 能成为当地居民多年喜爱的地方,为社区带来活力和凝聚力。
© Ito Takamune Photography Office
© Ito Takamune Photography Office
建筑师提供的文字描述YOKOSAWA CAMPUS是一个共享办公空间,位于岩手县石和村石和町的Hizume购物街。该空间的一部分已被翻修成咖啡馆。
Text description provided by the architects. YOKOSAWA CAMPUS is a co-working space located in the Hizume shopping street in Shiwa-cho, Shiwagun, Iwate Prefecture. One part of the space has been renovated into a café.
© Ito Takamune Photography Office
The building was self-renovated by the owner and friends over several years after being relocated to this location. In recent years, it has been used by local residents as a co-working space. However, since it was originally a residence, seeing the lively interior from the outside was difficult.
© Ito Takamune Photography Office
© Ito Takamune Photography Office
The owner attempted to create a new reason for people to visit by offering coffee and trying to make a more open gathering place for more people. Inspired by the history of Hizume, which used to have many wells, the concept of a "modern Idobata"(※1) was implemented in this project.
© Ito Takamune Photography Office
Utilizing the existing windows and floor plan, cedar paneling extending from the exterior to the interior walls gives visitors a more positive and open impression.
© Ito Takamune Photography Office
In addition, the stepped bar counter that changes in height, originally the flooring of the entrance, kitchen, and the road in front, creates a difference with the surrounding environment and provides an opportunity for people of different generations to interact.
© Ito Takamune Photography Office
We hope that the modern Idobata appearing on the street corner will become a place that local residents will frequent for many years.(※1: "Idobata" originally referred to women chatting while doing chores such as drawing water or washing clothes by a well. Now it mostly refers to housewives chatting casually during their daily routines.)
© Ito Takamune Photography Office
© Ito Takamune Photography Office
Stepped bar counter that changes in height around the owner Cedar wood paneling that extends from the exterior to the interior walls Mortex walls integrated with the existing building
© Ito Takamune Photography Office