Dybkær School / Sweco Architects
设计与环境融合: Dybkær学校的设计巧妙地融入了其所在的Gødvad山地形,体现了建筑与自然的和谐共生。建筑的轮廓与山坡的起伏相呼应,结构的上升和展开不仅为学生创造了一个亲切的尺度,还使得学校与周边环境无缝衔接。这种设计不仅增强了学生对自然环境的感知,也为他们提供了一个充满活力和探索空间的学习场所。学校内部的“核心空间”和内部山丘设计,进一步促进了不同年龄和背景学生之间的互动与交流,体现了设计者对于社区融合和多元互动的深刻理解。
教育理念的实践: Dybkær学校的设计充分体现了其教育理念,即通过实践技能和项目式学习来培养学生的创造力和社交能力。学校内部空间的布局灵活多变,从灵活的教室到协作空间,再到创意和运动区,都为学生提供了丰富的学习和活动选择。这种设计不仅满足了学生多样化的学习需求,还鼓励他们在探索和实践中发展个人兴趣和特长。学校的设计细节处处体现出对学生需求的关注,如每个角落都蕴含着新的学习和社交机会,这无疑为学生提供了一个充满活力和创造力的学习环境。
可持续发展的典范: Dybkær学校在建筑材质和能源利用方面展现了其对可持续发展的承诺。建筑外墙采用耐用的砖和钢材质,辅以大尺寸玻璃板,既保证了建筑的耐用性,又为室内提供了充足的自然光照,减少了能源消耗。建筑外部的标志性红色色调不仅统一了建筑的整体外观,也使其在视觉上更加醒目。此外,学校还配备了太阳能电池板和绿色屋顶,这些绿色技术的应用不仅降低了学校的运营成本,还为学生提供了一个学习可持续发展知识的实践场所。Dybkær学校以其独特的设计和功能,成为了一个现代教育与可持续发展完美结合的典范,为当地社区提供了一个充满灵感、联系和成长的中心。
© Niels Nygaard
© Niels Nygaard
Text description provided by the architects. Nestled atop Gødvad Hill, Dybkær School—also known as The School on the Hill—has become a vital community hub in the small Danish town of Gødvad. Awarded School of the Year 2024, it embodies a thoughtful design approach focused on fostering togetherness and bridging education with local life. The school spans three staggered levels where town and nature converge, inviting curiosity and interweaving school life with local recreational activities. At its heart lies a three-story "core space" featuring an internal hill that fosters interaction and connection across age groups and classes. Surrounding the school, a scenic landscape hosts play, learning, and activity zones, tailored for different age levels.
© Niels Nygaard
Inspired by its hillside location, the architectural design mirrors the contours of the terrain. The structure rises to a peak and flattens out, creating a welcoming scale for even the youngest students. This "small school within the large one" is designed to nurture both intimate and collective experiences, blending seamlessly with its surroundings while offering versatile spaces for play, learning, leisure, and gatherings.
© Niels Nygaard
© Niels Nygaard
Dybkær School is intentionally crafted for children and youth. From the moment you enter, the design invites exploration, play, movement, and social connection. Every corner opens to new opportunities, supporting diverse learning styles, communities, and creativity. Practical skills and project-based learning lie at the core of the school's pedagogical vision. Flexible classrooms, collaborative spaces, and zones for creativity and movement reflect input from the students themselves, ensuring the school meets their needs.
© Niels Nygaard
The building features durable brick and steel facades, complemented by large glass panels for abundant natural light. Signature red accents unify exterior elements, while solar panels and green roofs underline the school's commitment to sustainability. Dybkær School exemplifies how modern education can integrate into local communities, offering not just a place of learning but a center for inspiration, connection, and growth.