
建筑设计 / 教育建筑 2025-1-8 17:31

Savannen Nursery / Nordic Office of Architecture

创新的空间布局: Savannen托儿所的设计巧妙地将建筑划分为多个小单元,形成了一个集群结构。这种布局不仅为孩子们提供了多样化的娱乐和游戏空间,还为情绪敏感的儿童创造了一个安全可控的环境。小单元的设计让孩子们能够在熟悉的环境中自由探索,同时也为教师提供了更好的监管条件。这种以人为本的空间设计充分考虑了儿童的发展需求,体现了设计师对儿童心理和行为的深刻理解.

可持续发展的建筑理念: 该项目在设计和材料选择上充分考虑了可持续性,力求将碳足迹降到最低。通过采用可持续、耐用的当地木材,不仅减少了对环境的影响,还为孩子们创造了一个温暖、友好的空间。木材的自然质感和色彩,随着时间的推移会逐渐形成独特的包浆效果,使建筑更具历史感和生命力。此外,建筑的整体设计也体现了对当地文化和环境的尊重与融合,彰显了设计师对可持续建筑理念的坚持和实践.

室内外空间的无缝衔接: Savannen托儿所的外部空间与内部空间实现了无缝衔接,为孩子们提供了丰富的活动场所。从靠近建筑的露台到远处的开阔场地,空间逐渐从安全、家一样的氛围过渡到更具冒险性的环境。这种设计不仅鼓励孩子们走出室内,呼吸新鲜空气,还能满足他们在不同空间进行玩耍、反思和学习的需求。围栏的巧妙设计将场地与森林隔开,同时又保持了与自然环境的和谐融合,使孩子们在玩耍的同时,也能感受到大自然的魅力和边界感.

© Kirstine Mengel

© Imarken

Text description provided by the architects. The design of Savannen Nursery is based on a desire to create optimal spaces for children's development in downscaled and home-like surroundings. The design is very similar to the archetypal Danish house with pitched roof, windows and a door as imagined by a child and defines a composition that is far less institutional. Further downscaling was achieved by partitioning the building into small units resulting in a cluster structure with niches for varied types of recreation and play zones. The small units provide overview and structure – a safe and manageable environment for all children, especially emotionally sensitive children.

© Kirstine Mengel

West Section

The design and the materials have been chosen to minimize the project's carbon footprint and to give the nursery a green, sustainable profile. The implementation of integrated sustainable solutions is based on a holistic approach to architecture. We believe that good architecture is about working in a visionary and responsible way - always based on context and strong local anchoring.

© Kirstine Mengel

The detailing and the materials are always carefully chosen for their ability to patinate and stand the test of time. At Savannen Nursery the sustainable, durable and local timber demands minimal maintenance and create a warm, friendly and tactile experience for the children. Each building has a different paneling, providing each space with a unique identity.

© Kirstine Mengel

The name, Savannen ("savannah") is inspired by its context on the open farmland at the edge of the village, Skibby. The exterior spaces become a seamless extension of the interior, encouraging children out into the fresh air. The playground is designed for both play, reflection and learning, and the spaces are divided into different zones according to the context. The terraces closest to the building — and the spaces formed between the clustered volumes – are safe and home-like.

© Imarken

West Elevation

© Kirstine Mengel

Further away from the building, play becomes more of an adventure. Here the landscape is wilder — like an open field or savannah — and there is space to hide, to be invisible. A fence separates the site from the forest, although against this, the structure of the fence is almost invisible, the trees becoming the natural perimeter of the site.
