Diriyah Art Futures Contemporary Art Hub / Schiattarella Associati
创新与文化融合:Diriyah艺术未来当代艺术中心作为海湾地区首家专为数字艺术设计的博物馆,不仅在建筑上展现了创新,更是文化融合的象征。由意大利建筑师Schiattarella Associati设计,它体现了沙特阿拉伯2030愿景的一部分,旨在推动经济、文化和社会的转型。这座建筑不仅是艺术的展示平台,也是连接过去与未来的桥梁,将沙特的传统文化与现代艺术完美融合。
环境与设计的和谐:该中心坐落在利雅得北部的沙漠边缘,靠近联合国教科文组织遗址At Turaif,其设计巧妙地与自然环境和谐共存。占地12000平方米的建筑群,包括工作室、展览空间、研究实验室等,旨在恢复建筑与自然之间的平衡。通过精妙的设计,如阴凉区域的创造和传统Najd建筑的借鉴,该中心展现了对环境的深刻理解和尊重。
© Mohamed Somji
© Mohamed Somji
建筑师提供的文字描述11月25日,利雅得的“Diriyah Art Futures”——海湾地区第一家专门为数字艺术设计的博物馆——将以大型展览“Art Must Be Artificial:视觉艺术中的人工智能视角”开幕,展览由Jerome Neutres策展,来自世界各地的嘉宾将出席。该建筑由意大利建筑师Schiattarella Associati创建,是作为2030年愿景的一部分启动的第一个公共项目,该愿景是指导沙特阿拉伯未来几年经济、文化和社会转型的雄心勃勃的计划。
Text description provided by the architects. On November 25th, the "Diriyah Art Futures" in Riyadh – the first museum in the Gulf designed exclusively for digital art – will open with the major exhibition Art Must Be Artificial: Perspectives of AI in the Visual Arts, curated by Jerome Neutres and featuring guests from around the world. The building, created by Italian architects Schiattarella Associati, is the first public project launched as part of Vision 2030, the ambitious plan guiding Saudi Arabia's economic, cultural, and social transformations in the coming years.
© Antoine Horenbeek
© Antoine Horenbeek
这座当代建筑坐落在利雅得以北的沙漠边缘,靠近联合国教科文组织遗址At Turaif,这是Najd沙漠地区的古都,也是阿拉伯半岛最重要的历史和考古遗址之一。“Diriyah Art Futures”由沙特文化部委托策划,Schiattarella Associati设计,由Haytham Nawar领导,占地12000平方米,将设有工作室、展览空间、研究实验室、艺术家住宅、礼堂以及新媒体和数字语言培训中心。
This contemporary structure is set along the desert's edge, north of Riyadh, near the UNESCO site of At-Turaif, the ancient capital of the Najd desert region and one of the Arabian Peninsula's most important historic and archaeological sites. Commissioned and curated by the Saudi Ministry of Culture and designed by Schiattarella Associati, "Diriyah Art Futures" is led by Haytham Nawar and will house studios, exhibition spaces, research labs, artist residences, an auditorium, and a training center for new media and digital languages, in an area of 12,000 sqm.
© Hassan Al Shatti
该博物馆体现了Schiattarella Associati(Amedeo、Andrea和Paola Schiattarela)的理念,这是一家意大利建筑公司,也活跃在欧洲,在沙特阿拉伯发挥着领导作用。这家国际公司总部位于罗马,十多年来一直专注于文化公共空间,专注于城市设计、修复和研究,以服务于社区和文化利益。面向未来的挑战,与Najd遗产和传统对话的当代建筑。建筑师们说:“我们希望建筑给人一种仿佛从地球上冒出来的感觉。”。“这是我们的设计方法:利用自然价值创造一种与地点产生深刻共鸣的当代语言。”
The museum exemplifies the philosophy of Schiattarella Associati (Amedeo, Andrea, and Paola Schiattarella), an Italian architectural firm also active in Europe and with a leadership role in Saudi Arabia. Based in Rome, the international firm has been specializing in cultural public spaces for over ten years, focusing on urban design, restoration, and research to serve community and cultural interests. A future-oriented challenge, contemporary architecture that dialogues with Najd heritage and tradition. "We wanted the architecture to feel as though it emerged from the earth," said the architects. "This is our approach to design: harnessing natural values to create a contemporary language that resonates deeply with the location."
© Hassan Al Shatti
Plan - Section - Elevation
© Hassan Al Shatti
“Diriyah Art Futures”不是一座紧凑的建筑,而是一系列精益、独特的体量,沿着沙漠高原中的农业洼地瓦迪·哈尼法山脊水平延伸。它们旨在重新连接干涸河道的城市和农业部分,恢复建筑与自然之间的平衡,与狭窄、深的通道交替,创造出阴凉凉爽的区域,遵循该地区典型的传统Najd建筑——这是一项具有特定目标的“定制”工作。
The "Diriyah Art Futures" is not a compact building but rather a series of lean, distinct volumes that extend horizontally along the Wadi Hanifa ridge, an agricultural depression amid the desert plateau. Designed to reconnect the urban and agricultural parts of the wadi, restoring the balance between construction and nature, they alternate with narrow, deep passages that create shaded and cool zones, following traditional Najd architecture typical of the area — a "tailoring" work with specific objectives.
© Guido Petruccioli
© Guido Petruccioli
Amedeo Schiattarella指出:“这是一个边界结构,一边是有狭窄街道和小建筑的旧历史中心,另一边是有花园、田野和水井的农业区。在这两者之间,城墙曾经既是分隔又是连接。通过这些大门,水、作物和建筑材料将进入城市。我们重新创造了这个通道概念,在这里,一切都连接在一起,同时清楚地标明了边界。”Amedeo、Andrea和Paola Schiattarela补充道:“全球国际化导致了文化多样性的扁平化,城市景观的逐步标准化和建筑‘生物多样性’的丧失。”。“今天真正的挑战是从多样性的价值出发,研究每个地方的独特特征和具体特征。”
"This is a boundary structure," notes Amedeo Schiattarella, "On one side lies the old historic center with its narrow streets and small buildings, and on the other the agricultural zone with gardens, fields, and wells. Between the two, city walls once served as both division and connection. Through these gates, water, crops, and building materials would enter the city. We've recreated this passageway concept, where everything connects while clearly marking boundaries." "Global internationalization has led to a flattening of cultural diversity, with progressive standardization of urban landscapes and a loss of architectural 'biodiversity'," add Amedeo, Andrea, and Paola Schiattarella. "The true challenge today is to start from the value of diversities, working on distinctive characteristics and the specific traits of each place."
© Hassan Al Shatti
研究、创新和基于自然的解决方案-“Diriyah Art Futures”的建筑是无浪费的,与沙漠传统一样,通过形式和空间分布,利用特定地点的条件、材料和知识,满足尽可能多的需求。“这是一个当代项目,旨在应对在历史分层的土地上创造新的人类维度的挑战。Najd的传统沙漠建筑基于直接使用现场的建筑材料:石头、生土和泥灰泥。其结果是土壤和结构之间具有很强的材料连续性。建筑体量之间的空间与古代定居点的狭窄街道和小广场相呼应。
Research, innovation, and natural-based solutions - The architecture of "Diriyah Art Futures" is waste-free, born, as is desert tradition, to answer as many needs as possible through form and spatial distribution, using site-specific conditions, materials, and knowledge. "It's a contemporary project that meets the challenge of creating a new human dimension in a historically layered land. Najd's tradition, desert architecture, is based on using construction materials directly from the site: stone, raw earth, and mud plaster. The result is a strong material continuity between soil and structure. The spaces between the building's volumes echo the narrow streets and small squares of ancient settlements.
© Hassan Al Shatti
The aim was to create compact, shaded areas where wind flows, reducing temperature and shielding pedestrians from sun and heat. To this end, ventilation channels oriented toward the wadi—the more humid area—were created. Designed with the latest sustainability principles in mind, the complex was built to optimize solar exposure and ensure energy efficiency with geothermal cooling and rainwater collection and reuse.
© Antoine Horenbeek
室内设计——由Paola Schiattarella策划的室内设计,采用了泥灰泥和利雅得石等当地材料——固化的沙子,在阳光下保留了沙漠的共鸣。咖啡馆的特色是现代的musharabiya,让人想起风雕刻的石墙。“第二层皮肤可以让光线进入,创造出内在的阴影,让人在看不见的情况下看到。”
The interior design - The interiors, curated by Paola Schiattarella, incorporate local materials such as mud plaster and Riyadh stone—solidified sand that retains the resonance of the desert under sunlight. The Cafe features a contemporary musharabiya, reminiscent of stone walls sculpted by the wind. "A second skin that lets in light, creating inner shadow play, allowing one to see without being seen."
© Antoine Horenbeek
The building's underground core, protected from sunlight and heat, houses labs and studios for digital art. Here, materials turn contemporary: steel, glass, and cement complemented by wood—a rare material in Saudi interiors. At the center of this underground area, a large open space serves as an artists' gathering spot, with natural light channeled in through a massive "bell" that allows light to penetrate deeply.
© Antoine Horenbeek
Schiattarella Associati:建筑愿景-“我们的建筑以自然、人类和文化价值观为中心,这些价值观永远不会完全相同。总是有独特性、不可重复性和随机性。同时,建筑必须与几何相结合。我们的业务是将逻辑数学结构的一致严谨性与偶然性和偶然性相协调。就像在Diriyah Art Futures一样,我们的作品总是使用几何来动态组织复杂性,将矛盾作为建筑中赋予生命的元素。”
Schiattarella Associati: a vision of architecture - "Our architecture centers on nature, humanity, and cultural values that are never identical to themselves. There is always uniqueness, unrepeatability, and randomness. At the same time, architecture must engage with geometry. Our trade is to harmonize the consistent rigor of logical-mathematical structure with chance and the accidental. As in Diriyah Art Futures, our work always uses geometry to dynamically organize complexity, embracing contradiction as a life-giving element of architecture."