Africa Hall Cultural Center / Architectus Conrad Gargett
© Rory Gardiner
© Rory Gardiner
建筑师提供的文字描述Text description provided by the architects. Architectus Conrad Gargett has revitalized the United Nations' historic Africa Hall in a landmark decade-long renovation. The 1961 Arturo Mezzèdimi modernist masterpiece in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, has played a key role in shaping modern African history. It now stands as a world-class conference and cultural venue.
© Rory Gardiner
Africa Hall was gifted by Emperor Haile Selassie I as a meeting place for African nations and headquarters for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). It was here, in 1963, that the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was established, a key step in the formation of today's African Union (AU). The ECA initiated the renovation in collaboration with UNESCO, the African Union, and the Ethiopian Government with Architectus Conrad Gargett engaged to lead the design.
© Rory Gardiner
© Rory Gardiner
整体翻修n-保护管理策略指导了翻修的各个方面,确保变化尊重建筑的历史和文化意义。设计团队对意大利建筑师Arturo Mezzèdimi的原始计划进行了广泛的研究,以确保翻修符合他的愿景。关键元素经过精心修复,包括钢筋混凝土结构、原始马赛克瓷砖和埃塞俄比亚艺术家Afewerk Tekle的彩色玻璃艺术品。1300万块新瓷砖被制造出来以匹配原始瓷砖,Tekle著名的150平方米彩色玻璃艺术品由原始制造商的孙子修复。翻修还包括修复500多件由Mezzèdimi定制设计的定制家具。这些标志性的作品被修复并恢复到其在建筑内的原始配置和位置。
A holistic renovation - A Conservation Management Strategy guided all aspects of the renovation, ensuring changes respected the building's historical and cultural significance. The design team conducted extensive research into Italian architect Arturo Mezzèdimi's original plans to ensure the renovation honored his vision.Key elements were painstakingly restored including the reinforced concrete structure, original mosaic ceramic tiles, and stained-glass artwork by Ethiopian artist Afewerk Tekle. Thirteen million new tiles were fabricated to match the original, and Tekle's famous 150-square-metre stained glass artwork was restored by the grandson of the original maker. The renovation also included the restoration of over 500 bespoke furniture pieces that were custom-designed by Mezzèdimi. These iconic pieces were restored and returned to their original configurations and positions within the building.
© Rory Gardiner
Modernized for the future - Africa Hall's functionality as a world-class contemporary conference center was critical to the renovation. The Assembly Hall, a central space where African Union meetings are held, was reconfigured to accommodate 55 member states—up from the original 32. It now also features new audio-visual systems and a 13-metre-wide LED display. Physical changes are expressed as distinctly contemporary, with a clear respect for Mezzèdimi's original design. Services spaces on the rooftop and a new external lift core are clad in zinc shingles in a pattern that is a contemporary reference to the original mosaic tile profile. Safety, accessibility, and sustainability were also at the forefront of the renovation. The project aligned with the UN's "Greening the Blue" initiative and UN Disability Inclusion Strategy.
© Rory Gardiner
© Rory Gardiner
新的游客体验-非洲馆现在也为公众提供了一种引人入胜的文化体验。建筑师Conrad Gargett设计了一个新的博物馆和展览空间,告诉了这座建筑的历史意义。通过增加咖啡馆、独立的游客中心、巴士下车点和停车场,游客体验得到了进一步的提升。这一巨大的翻修确保了非洲厅将继续成为非洲团结和进步的灯塔,造福子孙后代。
New visitor experience -Africa Hall now also offers an engaging cultural experience for the public. Architectus Conrad Gargett designed a new museum and exhibition space that tells the story of the building's historical significance. The visitor experience is further enhanced with the addition of a café, separate visitor center, bus drop-off, and car parking. This monumental renovation ensures Africa Hall will continue to be a beacon of African unity and progress for generations to come.
© Rory Gardiner