Bait Mohammed Bin Khalifa / X Architects + Buro Happold
卓越的历史价值:拜特·穆罕默德·本·哈利法项目作为遗产保护项目,具有重大的历史意义。它不仅是阿联酋近代历史背景下的重要建筑,更是 20 世纪 50 年代和 60 年代国家社会、历史和建筑传统的珍贵见证。其位置靠近绿洲和主要法拉赫,作为艾因世界文化遗产的一部分,为研究当时的经济生活和社会组织提供了重要依据。同时,它还是历史人物的故居,象征着社区的地方感和身份感。
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
艾因–Oases&;Aflaj-Bait Mohammed Bin Khalifa(BMBK)是一个遗产保护项目,旨在保护和修复阿联酋近代历史背景下的一座主要建筑。BMBK位于艾因市,字面意思是“春天”,是阿布扎比酋长国的一部分。Bait Mohammed Bin Khalifa的位置靠近艾因市的穆塔雷德绿洲及其主要法拉赫。作为艾因世界文化遗产的一部分,这座房子为20世纪50年代和60年代国家不断变化的社会、历史和建筑传统提供了宝贵的见解。
Al Ain – Oases & Aflaj - Bait Mohammed Bin Khalifa (BMBK) is a heritage conservation project to preserve and rehabilitate a major building in the context of the UAE’s recent history. BMBK is located in the city Al Ain, meaning literally the “Spring”, and part of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The location of Bait Mohammed Bin Khalifa is near the Mutaredh Oasis and its main falaj, in the city of Al Ain. As a component of the World Heritage Cultural Sites of Al Ain, the house offers valuable insights into the changing social, historical and architectural traditions of the nation during the 1950s and 1960s.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
Plan - Site
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
The presence of water made Al Ain an important site throughout history and contributed to the historic development of this area. The presence of oases helped structure the economic life and social organization of Al Ain in the past and this is why the majority of heritage sites in the emirate of Abu Dhabi are located within and around Al Ain. The continuous availability of water facilitated agricultural activities and permanent settlements.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
谢赫·穆罕默德·本·哈利法-家庭和;历史-该建筑建于1958年,是谢赫·穆罕默德·本·哈利法·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬(1909-79)的故居,他是已故阿拉伯联合酋长国国父谢赫·扎耶德·本·苏丹·阿勒纳哈扬的岳父。它位于Al Ain的入口处,是迎接来自阿布扎比的游客的首批地标之一。
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa – Family & History - Built in 1958, the House was home to Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan (1909–79), the father-in-law of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Founding Father of the United Arab Emirates. It stood at the entrance of Al Ain and was among the first landmarks to greet travelers to the city from Abu Dhabi.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
作为Al Nahyan家族的长辈,已故的谢赫·穆罕默德·本·哈利法·阿勒纳哈扬是一位谨慎但有影响力的历史人物,与阿布扎比和阿拉伯联合酋长国历史上的重要事件有关。他是艾因社会的中心人物,他的房子是社区聚会的中心。Bait Mohammed Bin Khalifa代表了一个具有独特文化和历史背景的社区的重要组成部分,象征着社区的地方感和身份感。房子的布局和功能反映了传统的家庭结构,公共生活和私人生活被严格分开。
As the elder of the Al Nahyan family, the late Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Nahyan was a discreet yet influential historical figure associated with important events in the history of Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates. He was a central figure in Al Ain society and his house was at the heart of community gatherings. Bait Mohammed Bin Khalifa represents a significant component of a neighborhood with a unique cultural and historical background, symbolizing the community’s sense of place and identity. The layout and functions of the house reflect the traditional family structure, where public and private life, were strictly separated.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
过渡时期-前石油现代主义-Bait Mohammed Bin Khalifa是阿布扎比历史上一个短暂而关键的过渡时期的典型建筑,在这个时期,当地的传统生活方式适应了20世纪50年代阿布扎比石油勘探和发现所引发的社会文化和经济变化。
Transition Period – Pre-Oil Modernism - Bait Mohammed Bin Khalifa is a fine and rare example of an architecture typical of a short yet pivotal transitional period in the history of Abu Dhabi during which the local traditional way of life adapted to socio-cultural and economic changes prompted by the exploration and discovery of oil in Abu Dhabi in the 1950s.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
Section A / Section B
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
The house was built using a mix of traditional materials and concrete, an innovative material at that time. The house embodies the trends of this period through the hybridization of traditional and modern architectural typologies to suit the requirements of Arab society while incorporating modern materials such as cement, steel and aluminum according to vernacular construction techniques, and the regional influences of the Gulf and the Indian Sub-Continent in decorative aesthetics. Being one of the few surviving examples from this period, the significance of the house is enhanced by its high level of authenticity.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG