July James Street Store / In Addition
设计理念独特:七月詹姆斯街店的设计灵感源于布里斯班的户外精神,独特地将旅行的意义和记忆融入其中。参考 Slim Aarons 的摄影作品并与品牌类比,体现出澳大利亚行李箱标签的品牌标志。软木镶板、实木细节和俏皮色调展现出旅行的奢华与怀旧,激发顾客对美好目的地的回忆,同时充满好奇心。这种设计理念独特且富有创意,为顾客打造了一个充满魅力的购物空间。
© Cieran Murphy
© Cieran Murphy
建筑师提供的文字描述July的灵感来自布里斯班Fortitude Valley凉爽的户外精神,在那里,休闲、生活方式和体验丰富了建筑环境和日常生活。七月坐落在詹姆斯街地区独特的热带方言中,被视为顾客的绿洲。它的设计反映了旅行通过发现和冒险唤起意义和记忆的能力,参考了Slim Aarons的标志性池畔摄影,并与July品牌进行了俏皮的类比。
Text description provided by the architects. July draws inspiration from the breezy outdoor spirit of Brisbane's Fortitude Valley, where leisure, lifestyle, and experience enrich the built environment and everyday life. Set amongst the distinctive, tropical vernacular of the James Street precinct, July is conceived as an oasis for its customers. Its design reflects the capacity of travel to evoke meaning and memory through discovery and adventure, referencing the iconic, poolside photography of Slim Aarons and drawing playful parallels to the July brand.
© Cieran Murphy
© Cieran Murphy
Embodying the brand hallmarks of the Australian luggage label, the store embraces a seamless, considered, and detail-focussed identity, executed with mid-century inflections. Cork paneling, solid timber detailing, and playful color accents reflect the luxury and nostalgia of travel, encouraging customers to recall memories of their most cherished destinations while evoking curiosity at every turn.
© Cieran Murphy
© Cieran Murphy
A dramatic volume change entices the customer to explore the depths of the store, with tactile surfaces beaconing them to touch and interact with July's quality luggage and accessories. Circular seating offers a moment of shopping respite to take in the surroundings, enlivened by tropical landscaping designed by Acre – a welcome delight and extension of the lush planting that the precinct is known for.
© Cieran Murphy