巧妙设计打造舒适小居:这个位于日本东京市中心的 57 平方米共管公寓单元翻修项目令人眼前一亮。设计师巧妙地利用了阳光充足的角落位置和面向大型植物园的优势,为紧凑的空间带来了丰富的生活环境。通过移除旧装饰材料露出混凝土框架,使新旧材料对比并置,营造出独特的美感。围绕家具和滑动门构建的规划,避免了不必要的墙壁,为小住宅带来轻盈和开阔之感,同时简化了施工过程。
以厨房为中心的合理布局:在这个小住宅中,厨房成为生活形象的中心,位于房子中心位置,站在厨房柜台前可看到餐厅、书桌和卧室,避免了厨房后面的死胡同,还提供了通往客厅的小路,循环流的平面图为小住宅带来扩张感。此外,材料选择上樱桃木与 50 年前的粗糙混凝土框架形成对比,泽尔科娃木的长桌和咖啡桌与窗外森林呼应,厨房后面的大镜子减少了其存在感,增强了视觉深度,将室外绿化引入室内。
© Tomooki Kengaku
© Tomooki Kengaku
Text description provided by the architects. This project is a renovation of a condominium unit with an area of approximately 57 square meters located in central Tokyo, Japan. Although the unit is compact, it is a sun-filled corner room and faces a large botanical garden, offering the potential for a rich living environment despite its small size.
© Tomooki Kengaku
Refining the old concrete structure - This building is a 50-year-old concrete structure. We removed all the old finishing materials, exposing the concrete framework. In this project, we aimed for an interior design where the contrast and juxtaposition of the concrete structure and new materials beautifully blend together.
© Tomooki Kengaku
© Tomooki Kengaku
Giving a sense of lightness and spaciousness to the compact residence - We have structured the plan primarily around furniture and sliding doors, avoiding creating unnecessary walls wherever possible. This strategy has imparted a sense of lightness and expansiveness to this small residence. Simultaneously, it has rationalized and simplified the construction process.
© Tomooki Kengaku
Planning around the kitchen - In this house where a couple and their small child live, the kitchen was at the center of their living image. The kitchen was placed at the center of the house so that when one stands at the kitchen counter, one can see into the dining room, desk space, and bedrooms. In addition, to avoid a dead end at the back of the kitchen, a path to the living room was provided. A plan with circulation flow provides a sense of expansiveness to a small residence.
© Tomooki Kengaku
© Tomooki Kengaku
Contrast and juxtaposition - In the selection of materials, cherry wood, with its fine grain and pleasant texture, is used as the main material, with the intention of creating a contrast with the rough concrete frame that was made 50 years ago. Also, in correspondence with the zelkova forest visible through the windows, we used zelkova wood for the long desk and coffee table. The zelkova wood used for the coffee tables was recycled from old materials to create the design. A large mirror is placed on the wall behind the kitchen to minimize its presence, visually enhance depth, and serve as a device to bring the outdoor greenery into the interior of the house.
© Tomooki Kengaku