这栋住宅名为“两船屋”(two hulls house),位于加拿大新斯科舍省穆顿港村,是由mackay-lyons sweetapple architects设计的。该区域的地质构造包括花岗岩基岩和巨石。该区域以洁白的沙滩和碧绿的海水而闻名。
mackay-lyons sweetapple建筑事务所设计的钢框架结构由一个桥式桁架支撑,上面覆盖着板和板条状的雪松皮。内部框架既能抵抗重力载荷,又能抵抗风吸力,而混凝土的鳍状基础则能让海洋在不破坏船体的情况下通过。由于混凝土热质地板从太阳采收热量,因此通过结合地热系统而使家庭进一步试图成为自然环境的一部分。建筑师们强调,这座建筑是“精心打造的,经久耐用的”和“能顺应苛刻的气候,获得长久的生命力和妥帖地仿照当地的海洋遗产。”
this residence, the two hulls house, has been designed by mackay-lyons sweetapple architects in the village of port mouton in nova scotia. the site’s geological makeup includes granite bedrock and boulder till. it’s known for its pristine white-sand beaches and turquoise waters.
the project derives its name from its inherent resemblance of the hulls of two great ships washed ashore — a likeness emphasized by its proximity to the sea, and its wooden exterior.nova scotia has a long maritime history, which to this day remains an important part of its culture. this heritage, and local fascination with the sea contributes to the project’s predominant design elements.
the two elongated halls share a likeness with a pair of binoculars, with two massive windows perpetually focused on the horizon. these ‘pavilions’ each sit on a narrow base, as to respect the fragile ecosystem and landscape beneath them. the house hovers over the hill with 32 foot cantilevers. as a result of this considerate design feature, the plot acquires new spaces between the cantilevered structures, opening areas for picnics and parties that would normally be unusable due to structural distractions. yet, the architect’s clean design makes every corner of the home quite charming. the house is a full-time residence for a family of four, and comprises a day pavilion and a night pavilion — it’s an interesting division of space.
mackay-lyons sweetapple architects‘ design has a steel-frame structure kept up by a bridge truss and covered with a board-and-batten cedar skin. the endoskeleton resists both gravity loads and wind uplift, while concrete fin foundations invite the ocean to pass under without damaging the hulls above. the home further attempts to become part of the natural environment by incorporating a geothermal heating system, as concrete thermal-mass floors harvest heat from the sun. the architects emphasize that the building is _‘carefully crafted, and durable_‘ and _‘responds to its demanding climate in order to achieve a long life and elegantly reference the maritime heritage of its place.’_