越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2021-8-12 12:39

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

这个城市砖石洞穴是越南不断变化的城市环境的创意。它位于河内近郊,近期经历了快速城市化进程。作为对其设置的回应,H&P建筑师对如何建造联排别墅有着不同的想法,这个项目展示了一种不寻常的城市哲学。有了这个洞穴式的联排别墅,建筑师从自然界获得了比人造更多的灵感。该建筑塑造了类似于地球不可预测效果的空间,从而获得了人类第一个家的优势 - 洞穴。

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

整体结构由两层砖墙组成,并由两层砖墙包围。该建筑位于一个十字路口,局部空间以绿色植物和蔬菜替代。砖块早已是当地熟悉的材料,并且由于其简单的手工施工而广泛用于越南的农村地区。这座建筑缺乏西方的对称理念,有些东西吸引了原始感官。它创造出一种既令人兴奋又令人安慰的空间景观。该墙建成一个角度,为该地区的景观创造更好的视角,并帮助'房子内各角落的用户通过阴影和空气感知时间和天气' H+P建筑师解释到。

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P


越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P



位置:: bieu khe hamlet, thuy lam commune, dong anh district, hanoi, 越南

主要建筑师:doan thanh ha,tran ngoc phuong

团队:nguyen hai hue,trinh thi thanh huyen,ho manh cuong,nguyen duc anh,tran van duong





摄影:nguyen tien thanh

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P

this urban brick cave is a creative idea for vietnam’s ever-changing urban environment. it is located in a suburban neighborhood of hanoi, which has recently undergone a rapid process of urbanization. in response to its setting, H&P architects had a different idea of how to build a townhouse and this project demonstrates an unusual urban philosophy. with this cave-like townhouse, the architects take more inspiration from the natural world than the man-made. the building shapes the space similar to the the unpredictable effects of the earth, thus gaining the advantages of man’s first home — the cave.

the overall structure is made up of, and enclosed by, two layers of brick wall. these join at an intersection, with alternate ‘green’ arrangements of plants and vegetables. bricks have long been a familiar local material, and are widely used in rural areas of vietnam thanks to their simple manual construction. there is something that appeals to the primal senses with this building, which lacks the western ideals of symmetry. it creates a landscape of spaces that are somehow both exciting and comforting.the wall was built at an angle to create better viewing angles for the landscape of the area, as well asto help the ‘_users in various corners inside the house sense time and weather through shadow and air’ — _explains H&P architects.

the home’s two layers function as a filter. they eliminatethe adverse aspects of the external environment (sunshine from the west, dust, noise, etc) and bring nature (light, rain, wind) into the space where it is desired. the first outer wall acts as a kind of screen or buffer to the outside world, connecting the inside with the exterior and blurring the normally precise urban boundaries. as put by the designers, the project_ ‘encompasses a chain of space interconnected one another with random apertures gradually shifting from openness/publicity to closeness/privacy and vice versa.’_

project info:

architect: H&P architects

location: bieu khe hamlet, thuy lam commune, dong anh district, hanoi, vietnam

principal architects: doan thanh ha, tran ngoc phuong

team: nguyen hai hue, trinh thi thanh huyen, ho manh cuong, nguyen duc anh, tran van duong

land area: 175 sqm

total floor area: 190 sqm

manufacturers: viglacera brick

completed: december 2017

photography: nguyen tien thanh

越南,河内,城市砖洞穴 / H+P