八英尺的混凝土管可能成为住房的未来,至少这是香港建筑工作室James Law Cybertecture面对快速增长的人口提供的解决方案。它的微型房屋被称为“Opods”,将水管改造为居住面积不超过100平方英尺的小型居住空间,这种住房可以解决世界各地城市的住房危机。
James Law Cybertecture面对香港空间和可负担的住房的匮乏,将该建筑作为一种可能的解决方案。这些管状物被设计成可容纳一到两个人居住的空间,其中包括一个有长凳的起居室(长凳可以转换成床)、迷你冰箱、浴室、淋浴和储藏衣物和私人物品的空间。虽然非常沉重,可能主要的USP就是,它们在安装方面要求不多,而且很容易相互固定。这样就降低了安装成本,并提供一个有效的方式来建造新的建筑。
Law首次尝试微型房屋的概念,以缓解香港的房地产危机,是在2015年的Aipod。 这个集装箱大小的移动吊舱式住宅,促进了生活与工作空间,浴室和厨房之间的灵活性。而且它是铝制的,重量轻,可以堆叠成高层建筑。
eight foot concrete tubes could be the future of housing, at least that’s the solution to the fast growing population offered by hong-kong architectural studio james law cybertecture.its microhomes – known as opods – repurpose water pipes into small habitable spaces with no more than 100 square feet of living space, a sort of _tube housing_that could be the answer to housing crisis’ in cities across the world.
james law cybertecture designed the build as a possible solution to the lack of both space and affordable housing in hong kong. the tubes are designed to accommodate one or two people, including a living room with a bench that converts into a bed, a mini-fridge, a bathroom, a shower and storage space for clothes and personal items. whilst extremely heavy, perhaps the main USP is that they require little in terms of installation and can be easily secured to one another, reducing installation costs and offering an efficient way to constructing new builds.
the studio imagines this type of housing might be installed in areas such as narrow alleyways between buildings, but also dedicated sites where multiple units could be stacked atop each other, with simple metal stairways providing access.whilst still in the prototype stage, it has been reported that if plans come to fruition, each opod could cost around $15,000 (€12,250 or £10,885).
law’s first experiment with microhome concepts to ease hong kong’s housing crisis was the 2015 aipod. this container-sized mobile pod house promoted flexible living with a working space, bathroom and kitchen. made from aluminium, it was lightweight and designed for stacking up into high rise building.