英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

建筑设计 / 住宅建筑 2021-8-12 11:36

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

一个以当代视野设计的英国乡村住宅项目,斩获2017年RIBA年度住宅奖项。该奖项每年颁发给由英国建筑师设计的最佳房屋或扩建项目。该项目由 James Macdonald Wright 和 Niall Maxwell 完成,名为 Caring Wood ,位于肯特郡的英格兰郡,其灵感来自于当地用于烘干啤酒花的农业用房。建筑包括4座塔楼,这些塔楼在不同的角度观察将会发现不同的景观

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

该项目建造过程中,James Macdonald Wright 和 Niall Maxwell利用当地的手工黏土砖、当地的石板瓦和当地的红栗木瓦片。该建筑是为同一家族的三代人建造的房屋,包含一系列公共空间和私人空间。“这是为一个不断增长的家庭的几代人建造的房屋,能让户主的女儿,和女儿的丈夫、孩子都住在这里。他们既想要共同居住,又想要拥有独立的生活空间 。” 英国皇家建筑师协会主席Ben Derbyshire说。

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

“建筑实践中应当考虑可持续性。但我相信,建筑的地域性、建造工艺和对乡土建筑的理解也是非常重要的。我很高兴,在 Caring Wood 中,它们都被实现了。这个项目证明了,通过共同合作,很小的项目也可以做出大文章。” James Macdonald Wright 解释说,他和威尔士乡村建筑事务所的Niall Maxwell曾在该项目中工作。

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

Maxwell 补充到。“和这么多才华横溢的同事一起工作,让我们实现了为当代乡村生活而设计的房子。这展示了当客户足够开明、建筑师拥有足够的机会的时候,小项目也具有巨大的潜力。”去年的RIBA年度住宅奖颁发给了Richard Murphy设计的位于爱丁堡的一个古怪的住宅。

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell


实践建筑师:Macdonald Wright建筑事务所






a contemporary vision of the english country house has been crowned RIBA house of the year 2017. the title is awarded annually to the best new residence or extension designed by an architect in the UK. completed by james macdonald wright and niall maxwell, the dwelling is located in the english county of kent and references the region’s agricultural buildings, used for kilning hops. titled ‘caring wood’, the house comprises four distinct towers that emerge above the landscape at different angles.

in developing the home, james macdonald wright and niall maxwell sourced local materials, including handmade peg clay tiles, locally quarried ragstone, and coppiced chestnut cladding. the property was designed for three generations of the same family and contains a range of communal and private spaces. _‘it’s a house built for multiple generations of a growing family and allows the owner’s daughters, their husbands and their children to reside under one roof — cleverly accommodating their desire to be together and their desire to be apart,’_ says RIBA president ben derbyshire.

_‘sustainability in architectural practice is expected, but I believe regionalism, craft and the interpretation of the vernacular are also important,’_ explains james macdonald wright. _‘I’m delighted that, in caring wood, they are being recognized. this project proves that, by joining together, small practices can do big things,’_ continues the architect, who worked on the project with niall maxwell of wales-based practice rural office for architecture.

_‘collaboration with many talented people enabled us to realize the design for this contemporary country house,’_ adds maxwell. _‘this demonstrates what small practices are capable of when given the chance by enlightened clients.’_ last year’s RIBA house of the year was a quirky dwelling in edinburgh designed by architect richard murphy. see the project on designboom here.

project info:

architect practice: macdonald wright architects

additional architect practice: rural office for architecture

date of completion: october 2016

project city/town: leeds, maidstone

internal area: 1,443 sqm

contractor company: cardy construction limited

英国,肯特郡,2017 RIBA年度住宅奖:Caring Wood / James Macdonald Wright和Niall Maxwell