Mobius Architekci建造了“圆形木屋”,这是一个圆形的住宅,覆盖着Okume木板,融入了波兰的松树林环境中。在创始人 Przemyslaw Olczyk的带领下,这家位于华沙的工作室设计了一座类似于巨大的树干的房子。400平方米的木屋外部是一个悬挑的椭圆形结构,将车库和开放的温泉区围合在一个圆形体量中。
Mobius Architekci设计的圆形木屋位于伊扎贝林的松林深处其椭圆形的形状、材质和色调与自然环境有机地融合在一起。钢筋混凝土结构使用来自西非的、优雅无节的Okume木板覆盖。与自然直接接触意味着木屋会根据天气、时间和年月的推移而变化。
Mobius Architekci创始人兼项目主创Przemek Olczyk说:“我把这房子看作是一个巨大树干的一部分,通过减法做设计,看起来像是在木头中凿出口袋状的房间和舒适、半私人的玻璃壁龛。因此,住户可以感觉到他们在树林间漫步。木屋使用了大量模糊边界的玻璃。场地提供了与自然和建筑交流的自由,或者更确切地说是亲密性。
圆形木屋是为一位艺术爱好者和收藏家设计的,他不希望远离被 Kampinos 国家公园包围的自然环境环境。内部空间让人联想到对自然之美敏感并与之和谐相处的私人美术馆。高耸入云的中庭为室内引入了阳光和森林美景。宽敞的玻璃窗和精选的天然材料也增强了住宅与周围景观的联系。
Mobius Architekci在室内设计了一个雕塑般地带状白色楼梯,它本身就是建筑的艺术元素。其他房间的特点是使用天然材料和对细节的关注。 在巨大的“树干”上切出的壁龛可以清晰地划分各个功能,确保了隐私性和与周围自然环境的联系。
建筑师:Przemyslaw Olczyk Mobius Architekci
mobius architekci has built ‘circle wood’, a circularresidence clad in okume wood that blends into its pine forest surroundings in poland. led by founder przemyslaw olczyk, the warsaw-based studio has designed the house to resemble a large piece of a tree trunk. on its exterior, the 400 sqm building is complete with an overhanging oval frame that encloses the garage and an open spa area in a harmonious circle.
located deep within a pine forest in izabelin, the circular dwelling bymobius architekci organically blends into the natural surroundings thanks to its oval form, material and color palette. the reinforced concrete structure is clad in elegant and knotless panels of okume wood, sourced from west africa. being in direct contact with nature means that the house changes depending on the weather, time of day and year.
_‘I thought of the house as a big piece of a tree trunk,’_ says przemek olczyk, lead architect and founder of mobius architekci. _‘designing through reduction looked like hewing pockets of rooms and cosy, semi-private, glazed alcoves into the wood. consequently, users can feel as if they are continuously strolling through the trees. it is full of glazing that blurs the boundaries. the plot offers the freedom, or rather intimacy of communing with nature and architecture.’_
‘circle wood’ is designed for an art lover and collector, who did not wish to hide away from the surroundings, enveloped by the kampinos national park. the space inside is reminiscent of a private art gallery, sensitive to the beauty of nature and designed in harmony with it. soaring high into the sky, a central atrium brings in daylight and forest views within the interior. spacious glazing and a selection of natural materials also enhance the home’s connection to the surrounding landscape.
mobius architekci has designed a ribbon-like, white sculptural staircase for the home’s interior – developed in itself as an artistic element of the building’s architecture. the other rooms are characterized by a sophisticated play with natural materials and attention to detail. the alcoves cut out in the huge trunk allow for clear zoning of individual functions, ensuring a sense of privacy and contact with the surrounding nature.
project info:
name: circle wood
architect: przemyslaw olczyk mobius architekci
floor area: 400 sqm
year: 2020